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Why has my DD increased when my account is in credit by almost £100.00?

Good evening ​@Snoopy34 ,

Please be advised that Forum Volunteers don’t have access to your account and we don’t exactly have Crystal Ball powers. You’re gonna need to tell us more info if you want our advice, otherwise I’m afraid your question can’t be answered and may end up going stale.

Have a look at the DD calculator. This will show how your balance will change over the next few months. If the figure in the box is the new DD, you should see the bars coming down to near zero. Put in the old DD to see where the balance was heading before the increase.

Click on Continue to see a few more details. Click on How we work out the minimum monthly payment to see where the new number comes from. 

The figure will be based on the numbers in your Plan. The Future Annual Consumption should be close to your actual consumption over the past twelve months. If it’s a long way off, the calculation will give an equally inaccurate minimum monthly payment.  

Last, you should be given reasonable notice before the DD is changed. Did you not get a notification a few days earlier suggesting that you should increase it?

This is a new system; it’s the same calculation whether you’re on the Standard Variable Tariff (‘Simpler energy’) or on a fixed-rate one. Some of us don’t think it’s fair.

How do direct debits work | Customer Help and FAQ 

Anyone affected badly by the change in the DD calculation, please see this thread and consider adding a vote:



Our community members have given some really helpful responses here. Just wanted to add the following:

Blastoise is right, if you give us some more information we’ll be able to give a more specific response ​@Snoopy34 😊
